Wicking Bed Construction and Performance
What is a wicking bed? A fully contained, self-watering planting bed that uses capillary action to maintain consistent soil moisture. Wicking beds typically have a reservoir of water stored sub-surface that is passively drawn on by plants as they need it. Where is a wicking bed appropriate? In very dry climates wicking beds can save enormous amounts…
The Chaordic Stepping Stones
The Chaordic Stepping Stones is a simple planning process that helps create the minimal structure needed to complete a given task – from planning a full-scale broad-acre permaculture project to long-term planning to smaller projects. Excess structure often retards innovation and contribution, overloads certain individuals/components, and stifles learning, while too little structure can lead to
7th Generation Principle – Designing Systems For Continuity Through Time
The 7th Generation Principle – A process driven approach to designing resilient, regenerative ecosystems that grow stronger through generational inheritance.
Team Pulse Design Process
The Team Pulse Design Process is well suited to small to medium sized groups. It’s structure allows people that share a common vision, but perhaps have vastly different strengths, weaknesses, skill sets and biases, to function as a cohesive unit in achieving the end goal of the design process. The Team Pulse Design Process emerged…